Tuesday, April 5, 2011

More about the house

So we finally arrived at the house in Governor's Hills subdivision in General Trias.  We had to bring all our things with us so the tricycle dropped us off in front of the house with two big suitcases and various bags things.  At this point I think our negotiating position was no longer strong.  It really didnt matter because this was the best place for us and the rent is $75/mo.  Really can't beat that.

The house is one room plus bathroom.  I think the size is about 20 by 30 ft.  I like to think about it as like a hotel room.  It is convenient to never have to go from one room to another.   The area here is a subdivision that is only partly built out.  There are lots of vacant houses all around us.  It looks like the builder pours the slab and puts up concrete block walls and a metal ceiling.  Nothing else is done until someone wants to buy the house.  I think the new owner does the rest of the work to make the house livable. We have been able to buy a tv, lr furniture and a wardrobe so we are close to getting it how we want it.

I know this picture is a little blurry (ok, alot blurry) but this is inside the house.