This is the seat-back display on the way to Korea. It was interesting to me that we went north the length of Vancouver and then down the Aleution Islands of Alaska, then down off the coast of China and the length of Taiwan. I think this is called the "Great Circle Route" and has to do with the fact the earth is a sphere and when it it is displayed as a flat circle it is distorted, making straight lines appear to be curved. That's why when the Russians shout missiles at us they go over the north pole.

Here is the entrance to Jollibees. Notice that the guard/doorman is packing heat. Virtually every business entrance has an armed guard. I don't know if this is because there is so much crime or if there is no crime because of the guards. Made ME feel safe.

This is the parking area of the condo complex.

This is a motorcycle/tricycle. These things are all over in the less urban areas. Most of the time the ride costs about a dollar or two. The guard shack in the back is the entrance to the condo complex, "Lakeview Manors." I have not seen the lake yet.

This is our front door

Another view of our front door, just past the blue umbrella. That's the street in the distance.

Here is the "sala" or living room.

A view of the balcony from the sala.

The Master's Bedroom

One must be very awake for those midnight calls.

The kitchen.


The magical hot water machine.

Serious AC in the bedroom

Here's the Public Market. I was here for several days before I found out our dinner was coming from here. I have had a little gastric distress but not enough to worry about.

These are Jeepneys waiting to pick up people from Market Market. I haven't been on one but I think they have regional routes they follow. I think you really have to know what you are doing to work these.

Here's more my speed. Taxis lined up a the same place.

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